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Real People. Real Reviews. Birth Support Matters.

Why I do what I do...

These stories, pictures, and reviews are shared with permission by some of the incredible families I have worked with over the years.

"You were an amazing support! We love that you labored with (mom) through the night and kept her grounded in the intensity, and also that you seemed to know the household, and kept the dogs as calm as possible."

-Home Birth Honey Midwives

We want to express how thankful we all are for your support, coaching, and care. We couldn't have brought our son into our lives as we did without you. you were with me every step of the way. Thank you!
                           -The Whitt Family

"As a first time mom, I was excited and terrified to attempt an unmedicated birth. I had the motivation, but needed the tools to succeed. I know now that a large part of labor and birth is mental. Kalyn gave my husband and I the tools and encouragement we needed to achieve my best birth. She kept me moving when i felt out of strength and we overcame all obstacles together as a team. I know my birth would have looked a lot different without her support, I'm so thankful for the way my baby girl came into this world and I will cherish it forever. I cant wait to work with Kalyn again in the future."

                                 -Kacey B.

"I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. From when we met you, I had such a warm, good feeling. I am so glad it worked out for you to be our doula; it was meant to be. You truly do have a gift. I am beyond grateful that you were by my side and helped me through this amazing birth journey. It was so beautiful and healing; and I believe I was surrounded by the right people. With so much love and gratitude."

                           - Jessica and John


"I was excited, but initially super nervous at the thought of having my third baby without epidural. knowing myself well, I knew I'd need some heavy duty tools to help me and baby have the best experience possible. Enter, HypnoBirthing! I not only learned so much about breathing, relaxation, and visualization, but also about pregnancy and the birth process from Kalyn. I used the techniques and was able to stay calm and focused through the majority of my labor at home, and then welcomed my baby into the world just as  I had hoped, without pain meds, under the care of my amazing midwife team at Central Texas Birth Center. Kalyn is Knowledgeable and encouraging, and someone who I will always highly recommend to anyone interested in HypnoBirthing."

--Rachel W.


"This was my first pregnancy and I had an idea of how I wanted my care to be but just like you’re “supposed to do” we found a hospital and started care with an OB/GYN. It was horrible, every appt was exactly what I didn’t want. I had been reading books about natural birthing and found a HypnoBirthing class in hopes that it would help me achieve what I wanted for my delivery.
The HypnoBirthing class was the best thing we could have done. The class introduced us to the birth center and we learned some valuable tips on managing pain during labor. We toured the birth center and I knew immediately this was where I was supposed to be. We started care with CTBC at 28 weeks pregnant. I delivered at 39 weeks, after 20 hours of labor. At first I thought I was having “false labor” because my contractions were close together but not consistent. My husband and mom were begging me to get dressed because they didn’t want to deliver a baby on the highway. Our drive to the birth center was an hour and a half and my contractions were 3-5 min apart. I arrived at the birth center dilated to a 6. Had I been in a hospital setting, my midwife said they probably would have done a c-section because of the way baby was positioned. Because I wasn’t constricted by machines, my movement and the way I labored I was able to deliver naturally. After about an hour and a half of pushing, we welcomed a beautiful 7lb 7oz baby girl. I cannot thank Kalyn enough for the HypnoBirthing class and for her advice that I will forever be grateful for!"

-Ashton B

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